When someone is upset why does everyone say to “just take a deep breath”?
Let’s face it, when we are in the midst of a highly emotional moment the last thing you would want to hear is “calm down, take a deep breath.” Well, if we were able to take some deep belly breaths, we may feel better. Here’s why.
The primary fear response center in the brain, known as the amygdala, signals to our body that there is a threat looming or currently happening. Unfortunately, the brain often doesn’t recognize the difference between a charging lion and say…a job interview! Our brains just register that there is something scary or traumatic that might happen. And then yikes! All of a sudden we feel our heart beating fast, or our hands start shaking, or we feel hot and start sweating. Some people may shut down, some people may get angry, and some may run out of the room.
So, wait…why should you “take a deep breath?”
When the amygdala becomes activated, it releases cortisol and we go into survival mode, also known as fight, flight, freeze, and fawn. When this mode takes over, we are not connected to our awesome frontal lobe. The frontal lobe allows humans to have abilities like reason and rational, impulse control, problem-solving ability, and judgment. Without it, we can act and feel pretty out of control.
By taking some deep breaths, we can reengage the frontal lobe and signal to our brain that the threat it is perceiving is just a math test, feeling defensive, or participating in a new social activity.
Breathing sends a message to the brain that the “threat” is not an actual threat to your life, and therefore going into “survival mode” will do more harm than good at times when we really need our frontal lobe!
Learning how to take long deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth is a very powerful thing! The best part is that you can do this anywhere and anytime you feel like you are going into survival mode. So, next time you feel anxious, angry, or like shutting down, try taking 5 to 10 slow, deep belly breaths and see how you feel afterward!
Begin Working with a Therapist in Santa Cruz, CA
Our team of caring therapists would be honored to provide support in learning new anxiety management techniques and coping with related stressors. We would be honored to provide support from our Santa, Cruz, CA-based practice and across California. To start your therapy journey, please follow these simple steps:
Meet with a caring therapist
Start addressing the mental health concerns that affect you most!
Other Services Offered by Pacific Coast Therapy
Our team understands the variety of mental health concerns that individuals can face at the same time. This is why we are happy to offer a variety of services from our Santa Cruz, CA-based therapy practice. Other mental health services offered include therapy for teens, individual therapy, young adult therapy, postpartum depression treatment, parent coaching, couples therapy, and family therapy. We also offer support through trauma therapy, therapy for depression, anxiety, and online therapy! Feel free to learn more by visiting our blog, or by learning more about our values today!