Pacific Coast Therapy Blog Page

Authoritative vs Authoritarian Parenting

Authoritative vs Authoritarian Parenting

Parenting, an expedition of nurturing and guiding the next generation, presents myriad decisions and challenges, with the choice of parenting style being paramount. Among the spectrum of approaches, two distinct styles often discussed are authoritative and...

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Coping with Grief and Loss: The Silent Struggle

Coping with Grief and Loss: The Silent Struggle

Coping with grief is no easy feat. So today, we're delving into the quiet struggle of grief, a journey that threads through the fabric of everyday life. Let's explore this guide, offering solace and support to those facing this silent but profound challenge. The...

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Managing Sensory Overload: A Helpful Guide for Teens

Managing Sensory Overload: A Helpful Guide for Teens

Today, we're diving into the whirlwind world of sensory overload - a maze of sensations that can sometimes feel like a rollercoaster ride without a seatbelt. But fear not! We've got your back with a helpful guide for teens managing sensory overload. Understanding...

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